From Overwhelm to Order: Introducing Your Free Guide to Photo Organizing

I’m an introvert and have always been introspective, even as a child (the old soul). As the year begins to wind down, I tend to reflect and reminisce, and love perusing photos especially during this time. But I know these treasured photos can also be a source of overwhelm. There can be tens of thousands […]

Crafting a Creative Haven: 5 Tips for Organizing Your Artist Studio

The studio is an artist’s sacred space, their creative command center. For creatives their studio is home, whether it is physically inside the house or a car ride away. I can relate, having studied art history and painting in college and maintained a studio practice for 10 years. I have also visited hundreds of visual […]

The First Step to Spring Cleaning

White and blue towels inside basket

You know the feeling you get as spring approaches? That giddiness you feel as the sun comes out a little more and little bits of color start popping up as flowers begin to bloom. It comes every year, yet spring always feels fresh and new when it rolls around. Everywhere you look online, in magazines, […]

Resources for Donations & Disposal

Happy 2024! I hope you had a lovely holidays full of joy, nourishment, relaxation and FUN (whatever that means for you)! Many of us start the year with an accumulation of stuff – gifts and Black Friday purchases from November. The idea of donating unused or surplus items to those less fortunate comes top of […]

7 Tips to Organize Your Digital Photo Treasures

Screen with many photos

I remember our Polaroid camera in the 80s. The excitement of selecting the shot, framing the image, pushing down that button. And voila! After a second of vigorous shaking, that moment in time was captured to view (sometimes over and over again) and share. Today the cellphone camera offers instant gratification and the possibility of […]

The Value of Gratitude

As we move through November, themes of thankfulness become top of mind. I love this season not just for its cooler temperatures, rich autumnal colors and pumpkin-everything, but for the emphasis on gratitude. Gratitude for family and friends, for events in our lives and the things we cherish both the physical and intangible. We can […]

Organizing Tip: Love

Make space for what you love! This may seem obvious but it is powerful. If you live in a smaller home, this might require some creative solutions with a piece of furniture or area of the home doing double duty. Maybe you are a blues fan with a collection of old vinyl, enjoy collecting ceramics, […]

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions. 1. Why should I hire a professional organizer? A professional organizer comes into a space with empathy, organizing knowledge and skills, and a fresh pair of eyes. They are able to objectively see both the big picture and individual steps needed to get to your vision. Not […]

Hello! I’m Judy.

I am honored to help busy Superheroes create their own Fortress, a calm environment where they can recharge and thrive. Moonbeam Organizing, LLC evolved from my deep love of the home, helping others and organizing. I come to professional organizing and inventory services from the visual art and museum sector, where my skill with inventories, […]