Organizing Tip: Love

Make space for what you love! This may seem obvious but it is powerful. If you live in a smaller home, this might require some creative solutions with a piece of furniture or area of the home doing double duty.

Maybe you are a blues fan with a collection of old vinyl, enjoy collecting ceramics, love making jewelry or are a budding soapmaker (like me). Make sure these treasured items or tools take pride of place or are easily accessible. 

They can be corralled into baskets or clear containers, sit atop a colorful rolling cart or displayed on open shelving. If you prefer having more utilitarian things like tools or a soldering kit stored out of sight behind a closed door or bin, make sure to carve out a dedicated space just for those items.

Most of us started a new hobby or became reacquainted with an old one during the last 3 years. They keep us engaged and active. Our hobbies and passions add so much to our lives. When you make ample room for what you love to hear, see or do, more JOY flows into your life!