The Value of Gratitude

As we move through November, themes of thankfulness become top of mind. I love this season not just for its cooler temperatures, rich autumnal colors and pumpkin-everything, but for the emphasis on gratitude. Gratitude for family and friends, for events in our lives and the things we cherish both the physical and intangible. We can be grateful for each day, despite challenges or obstacles we or our loved ones may be facing.

Gratitude is a state of being but it’s also a practice. I find it actually helps me when organizing. While considering what to keep or let go, we can bestow gratitude onto each item, for its usefulness or beauty or just its being-ness. It is ceremonial in a way, like Marie Kondo’s process. These items have been a part of our lives and our journey. We acknowledge their importance and now those things that are no longer useful or necessary can be let go, with thanks.

Studies show gratitude can increase happiness, reduce depression and lessen anxiety. Try Googling “benefits of gratitude” and you’ll be rewarded with an abundance of riches. Shifting attention to the positive keeps you focused on the present, promoting mindfulness. As we prepare for the week ahead, let’s savor the value of gratitude. Below are one of my favorite quotes from the poet Rumi and a short, inspiring TED Talk by filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg.

“Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.” – Rumi

I am grateful for you. Have a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!